Wednesday, November 22, 2006

A Night at the Dublin Castle

Dublin Castle (Camden Town) 22/11/06

There is not much to say about their performance. They were absolutely briliant!
Their sound was fantastic, and their music has taken a step forward.
They have released an album in the US, but (as the singer said with a hint of bitterness) ' no, not here in England.'
Hopefully, in due time we'll also be able to have their album 'Violence is Golden' here in the UK. Until then have we can enjoy their music here.

P.S: Another band performed before the Scanners and I have to say that I was thrilled! They were the Low Sparks from Bagwash Towers, Greenwich, London. If anyone is interested click here


Anonymous said...

I wish I was there my love!! :(

Anonymous said...

Dear Alan,

I am a member of the ab ovo team. How come you have our site on your links? Have you seen our show? Did you like it? Do you know us? Are you Greek?


PH said...

@ mia: The same here...

@Yannis: Γιάννη μου, ειμαι ο Φίλιππος και ξέρεις αν και πόσες φορές έχω δει την παράσταση! Που βρήκες το blog μου;