Saturday, March 10, 2007

The Simulacrum of a (delayed) farewell.

Baudrillard is Dead.

When I found out and told a friend, he told me:
'So I've heard. But is he really dead or is it just a simulation?'

Baudrillard is Dead. This is a FACT.
It is somehow ironic that he REALLY died.
From now on, he will accompany us as a ghost, a simulacrum. His spectacular image will replace him, thus proving his point.

To the point that the idea of freedom, a new and recent idea, is already fading from minds and mores, and liberal globalization is coming about in precisely the opposite form -a police-state globalization, a total control, a terror based on 'law-and-order' measures. Deregulation ends up in a maximum of constraints and restrictions, akin to those of a fundamentalist society.

Jean Baurdillard. The Spirit of Terrorism. Verso, 2002 (p. 32).

Jean Baudrillard is Dead - But I'm Not Sure He Ever Existed

found @

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